Your fixed cameras are connected wirelessly to the EZPi. In rare occasions, such as Internet interruption, camera problem or software upgrade, they may be disconnected from the EZPi and the camera screen will no longer display on the monitor on your workbench.
Please try the following steps in order from the simplest fix to the most involved until your camera screens correctly display.
A. Connect wifi to the camera
- On the EZPi monitor doubleclick the "Main Fixed Camera" or similar button and then Execute for the camera that you seek to reconnect. Wait until the hourglass next to the cursor is gone, which indicates it has fully run.
B. Connect cameras
- On the EZPi monitor doubleclick the "Connect Cameras" button and then Execute. Wait until the hourglass next to the cursor is gone, which indicates it has fully run.
- This step disconnects all cameras. Connect each individual camera as in Step A.
C. Reboot EZPi
- Click the Raspberry in the lower left hand corner. Select Logout at the bottom of the popup menu. A short menu displays for logout options.
- Click Reboot. The display will go blank, scroll startup info, and then display the normal EZPi screen.
- Follow Steps B and A to connect the cameras.
D. Physically connect the cameras to the EZPi
- If the camera is not physically connected, please do so. Remove the camera from its bracket and bring it to the EZPi. Use a USB cable to connect the camera USB port to the EZPi USB port.
- Follow Steps B and A to connect the cameras.
- Remount the camera after the camera screen successfully displays on the EZPi monitor.
E. Connect cameras to the EZ-Pi wifi network.
- For each camera not connecting, go to the wifi settings and check the connected wifi network. If the network is not EZ-Pi, connect to it. The password is EZPi2020.
- The only saved wifi network on your camera phones should be EZPi. Forget and do not save any others.
F. Reboot the camera.
- This step is a last resort if you have vehicle media that have not uploaded. Such pictures will be lost if you reboot the camera. If this happens please reshoot the vehicle.
- Exit iVana.
- Restart the camera and iVana.
- Follow Steps B and A to connect the cameras.
Please submit a ticket if the above does not result in the camera screens being displayed on the EZPi monitor.
See the video that shows these steps.
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