If a vehicle is no longer in your data feed, it is presumed to have been sold. EZ360 will still list the vehicle for several days to allow for returns, transfers, data entry errors, etc. After this period it automatically expires and will no longer display with "Current vehicles".
However the listing is not deleted in case you want to access or restore it later.
- iContent display. If the vehicle returns in the data feed, its status will be updated to Current. If the vehicle is not in the feed and is expired, you can still access it and its media. Simply select the "Sold Vehicles" filter to show them in iContent inventory.
- Website display. If the VIN is displayed in your SRP and VDP listings but not in the data feed, (for example, it's being displayed at another store or we haven't received it again in the feed yet), EZ360 media will continue to display even if it's expired.
- Syndication. Expired vehicles are not exported to your data feed for syndication.
- Reset the VIN to Current. To restore a vehicle from Sold to Current inventory in iContent, just click on the Sold box on the inventory listing thumbnail.
If you need to delete a vehicle instead of letting it expire, see Deleting VINs.
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